Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 2 nap 0 - only 6 days left...

So this is officially the end of day 1. Other than the momentary slips (I overslept the 10 am nap by 2 hours, Russell overslept by 5), we've stuck on schedule. I've had 8 naps so far, Russell 9. Our most recent nap was probably our most successful, I think it was the first time we both dreamed. I don't remember much of mine, other than me waking up from a dream inside a dream (inception-like). I'm guessing the dreams will start getting intense soon.

Energy level: Pretty good, actually. Better than I expected. There was a really rough stretch from 6 am to 10 am, which would explain the oversleeping.

Eating: I've been slightly more hungry. I ate breakfast for the first time in a while, mostly because it helped me stay awake.

The days have been blending together. Night and day are not separate anymore, and I'm living in 4 hour segments. It's a really weird but interesting experience. Supposedly it only gets worse from here...we'll see how we hold up.

Until tomorrow...

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